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Quality - Made in Germany
Quality of the software!

VEPRO Medical software is developed with our own software development department in Germany, according to the highest quality assurance standards for medical devices according to ISO 13485 and FDA 510K.
Experienced DICOM, HL7, IHE specialists ensure compliance with international medical standards and interoperability with your existing IT systems.

You have extraordinary requirements for integration or functionality? No problem - our product management will find a fast and cost-effective solution with our software developers.

Hardware is not the same hardware!

A good cook knows that he cannot cook an excellent menu with bad ingredients!

Already in the selection of high-performance, durable hardware components, before use at the customer, quality assurance begins at VEPRO. These components are previously validated by the Hardware Quality Assurance team and released after successful testing.

Quality of our employees!

The quality of our employees in sales, project management, customer service and software development is subject to special requirements. We owe our success to these employees! Many years of experience in the medical field, work processes and of course our products, make them competent partners for the design and implementation of your IT solution.

However, the quality of an IT solution and the security of your investment are also decisively determined by the fast and competent support of our service team, which ensures 24/7 system availability of your IT system.

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